Teaching methods at Víkurskóli

Víkurskóli is an innovative school with a focus on creative and design thinking, student democracy, team teaching, and integration of subjects. In all grades, so-called 'uglur' are taught, which involve the integration of subjects and projects are completed thematically either as group or individual assignments. All study material and instructions are provided to students in Google Classroom.

Arts and vocational subjects

Art and practical subjects are taught throughout schooling, with disciplines such as textiles, visual arts, multimedia, drama, woodworking, and home economics, offering a variety of elective courses. Philosophy, relaxation, health education, LGBT+ education, literacy, creative writing, sex education, and gender studies are also taught in short intervals.



One of Víkurskóli's unique features are the 'uglur' sessions, where education is integrated in subjects such as Icelandic, natural sciences, social studies, and information and technology education. The 'uglur' sessions are organized by dedicated teams, focusing on the strengths of each teacher. Great emphasis is placed on diverse and integrated projects, which are evaluated based on proficiency criteria from all subjects. Student collaboration is significant, and methods of formative learning are used in 'uglur' sessions just as in other subjects at Víkurskóli. Emphasis is placed on creative comprehension, and students are provided with opportunities to utilize the school's tools and equipment for this purpose. Students are encouraged to influence their learning and take responsibility for their own education. The 'uglur' sessions are constantly evolving and are now taught in all grades. In the 8th and 10th grades, there are six hours per week of 'uglur', while the 9th grade has seven hours per week. The entire grade participates in 'uglur' sessions at the same time, with students divided into different groups depending on the subject matter. One 'uglur' session can span 2-4 weeks, depending on the scope.


  • The school is one of the knowledge schools in Formative Learning, and staff have chosen 'Education for Responsibility' as support in discipline matters.
  • Víkurskóli participates in three Erasmus+ projects, and in these first years of operation, many trips have been undertaken with and without students.
  • Víkurskóli has received the Reykjavík City Rainbow Certification, which we are very proud of.
  • We are in the process of becoming a UNICEF rights-respecting school in collaboration with the youth center.
  • Víkurskóli places strong emphasis on good parental collaboration, for example, with open houses twice a year